All Are Welcome

After more than 150 years in Kearney, the parish of St. James has a rich history as a community of Catholic worship and an established legacy of service to the people of Kearney and the surrounding areas.

We invite our Catholic brothers and sisters, as well as visitors from other denominations, to pray and celebrate the Sacraments with us. You will be welcomed and embraced as we join together as one in the presence of God.

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday – 5:00 pm

Sunday – 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Misa en Español – 12:30 pm

(cada segundo del mes)
(every 2nd Sunday)

Mass in Vietnamese - 3:00 pm

(every 1st Sunday)

Weekday Mass Times

Monday – No Mass

Tuesday – 12:00 pm

Wednesday – 12:00 pm

Thursday – 8:15 am with KCHS

Friday – 8:00 am


Saturday – 3:30-4:30 pm

(or by appointment)


First Fridays – 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

* This is the regular Mass schedule - be sure to check the Weekly Bulletin or our Mass Times page for any changes!

Our Mission

St. James parish was established in 1881 to be a sign of the presence of the Kingdom of God, to spread the Good News of the Gospel, and to minister and serve others. As Catholics, we believe in Jesus' dying and rising and in our call to celebrate the Sacraments and proclaim the Gospel.

St. James is Live Streaming Masses according to the following schedule:

Saturday - 5:00 pm - Weekend Mass
Monday - No Mass
Tuesday & Wednesday -12:00 Noon - Weekday Mass
Thursday - 8:15 am - Weekday Mass with Kearney Catholic High School
Friday - No Live Streaming

These can be viewed either live or replay directly from the St. James Kearney YouTube Channel or by using the “Mass Videos” button on the St. James myParish App.

Fishing with St. James

Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 21, 2024 - World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Prayer for Vocational Discernment

Lord Jesus, you said to your disciples, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Give young people the gift of discernment, to find their way and embrace their true vocation, the life for which you have created them.

In all that lies before them, help them discern a life that is pleasing to you, whether to Christian marriage, to the priesthood, or the consecrated religious life.

Send your Holy Spirit to inspire them. Grant them the grace to embrace a life of joyful service. Fulfill their desires to make a generous gift of themselves to others, after your example. Give them the loving support of family and friends as they prayerfully discern their vocation in this life.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Joseph G. Hanefeldt
Bishop of Grand Island

Bishop’s Vocations Dinner


An evening of conversation about God’s call for our lives. Hear from Bishop Hanefeldt, Fr Hock, and guest religious as they break open what it means to follow God’s call.

Location: St Mary’s Cathedral Square - A second dinner closer to the Alliance and North Platte Deanery will be confirmed later in the year. Cost: Free

Quo Vadis Weekend

AUGUST 9-11, 2024

Is Jesus inviting you to become His priest? Come and find out! Connect with others who are on the same journey. Hear from inspiring speakers, priests and seminarians and take a deeper dive into understanding your calling. Experience powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and His Church through beautiful liturgies and the sacraments.

Open to any single Catholic men aged 19+

High school students: Grade 10-12 are invited to register for free for the Sunday sessions and closing Mass with Bishop Hanefeldt. Location: TBA , Cost: $100 General Registration, $50 College Students

Pescando con St. James

21 de abril de 2024 - Dia Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones

Oración por el Discernimiento Vocacional

Señor Jesús, tú les dijiste a tus discípulos: "Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida". Da a los jóvenes el don del discernimiento, para encontrar su camino y abrazar su verdadera vocación, la vida para la que los has creado.

En todo lo que tienen ante sí, ayúdales a discernir una vida que es agradable a ti, ya sea al matrimonio cristiano, alel sacerdocio, o la vida religiosa consagrada.

Envía tu Espíritu Santo para inspirarlos. Concédeles lagracia para abrazar una vida de servicio gozoso. Cumplir con su deseos de hacer un generoso don de sí  mismos a los demás, después de su ejemplo. Dales el apoyo amoroso de familiares y amigos mientras disciernen su vocación en esta vida.

Pedimos esto a través de Cristo, nuestro Señor. Amén
Joseph G. Hanefeldt
Obispo de Grand Island

Cena de Vocaciones del Obispo


Una velada de conversación sobre el llamado de Dios para nuestras vidas. Escuche al Obispo Hanefeldt, al Padre Hock y a los religiosos invitados mientras explican lo que significa seguir el llamado de Dios.

Ubicación: Plaza de la Catedral de Santa María. Más adelante este año se confirmará una segunda cena más cerca de Alliance y y la casa de Decano en North Platte. Gratis

Fin de semana de Quo Vadis

9-11 DE AGOSTO DE 2024

¿Jesús te está invitando a ser Su sacerdote? ¡Ven y descúbrelo! Conéctese con otras personas que están en el mismo viaje. Escuche a oradores, sacerdotes y seminaristas inspiradores y profundice en la comprensión de su llamado. Experimente un encuentro poderoso con Jesucristo y Su Iglesia a través de las hermosas liturgias y sacramentos.

Abierto a cualquier hombre católico soltero mayor de 19 años. Estudiantes de preparatoria: Se invita a los grados 10 a 12 a registrarse de forma gratuita para las sesiones dominicales y la misa de clausura con el obispo Hanefeldt.

Ubicación: TBA, Costo: $100 Inscripción general, $50 Estudiantes universitarios


Latest Bulletins

Upcoming Events

Full Calendar

St. James Stained Glass Window

St. James Catholic Church

3801 Avenue A, Kearney, NE 68847

Parish Office Hours

Mon-Thurs – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fri – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Kearney Catholic High School

110 East 35th Street, Kearney, NE 68847

KCHS Foundation

20 East 21st Street, Kearney, NE 68847