Parish Committees
Parish Council
Members represent the parishioners as an advisory committee to the Pastor in all spiritual and secular affairs of St. James Parish. The Council is composed of nine members each serving a three-year term but no more than two consecutive terms. Additional members include the Pastor, a Parish trustee(s), and designated office staff. Members also serve as liaisons of other parish committees to the Parish Council. The Council meets on the third Thursday of each month. Members are selected by lot from names advanced by the nomination process.
- Keven Heese, Chair
- Allan Cabalceta, Vice Chair
- Shane Bendfeldt
- Tammy Lawter
- Carson Watts
- Jon Brandt
- Jonathon Desantiago
- Paula Hull, Trustee
- Dave Bonk
Finance Committee
Members serve to advise the Pastor and Parish Council in all the financial matters of the parish. This includes monthly review of the financial report and financial status, preparation of an annual budget and annual financial report to the parish, overseeing parish investments and liabilities, and direct means of raising revenue for the parish. Additional members include the Pastor, a Parish trustee(s) and designated office staff. Members are approved by the Pastor. The Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
- Mike Kathol
- Patrick Leininger, Chair
- Ron Dobesh, Trustee
- Gary Steffensmeier
- April Roggash, Vice Chair
- Steve Rogers
- Dirk Nickel
- Nick Ridgeway
- Carson Watt
Catholic Social Teaching Council
Modern Catholic Social Teaching has been articulated through documents provided by Popes and Councils, including the United States Council of Catholic Bishops. There are seven themes that are at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person; Call to Family, Community, and Participation; Rights and Responsibilities; Options For The Poor and Vulnerable; The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers; Solidarity, and Care For God’s Creation. The council at St. James Parish prepares and organizes presentations, panels, and various activities to promote opportunities for education and service related to Catholic Social Teaching. Contact: Sister Catherine 308-234-5526 or [email protected]
KCHS School Board
There will be two members of the parish who will represent the parish on the board. The Parish Council and Finance Committees will be kept abreast of activities at the school by liaison report and review of the school board minutes.
Safety/Security Committee
For more information or to sign up for one or more committees, please contact the Parish Office at 308-234-5536.