Parish Service Ministries and Teams

Respect Life Committee

Volunteers work for the promotion of respect life issues from conception to natural death. Contact: Mary Bowman, 308-234-5536, [email protected]

Community Life - Outreach

Volunteers work to support our community of Kearney through various outreach activities such as the Sharing Trees, Safe Center Dinners,Meals on Wheels, etc. Contact: Sharon Hoffman or [email protected]

Communication Committee

This group of volunteers works to maintain and improve the communication of the parish. This group includes but isn’t limited to working with the website, social media, the MyParish app, and Evangelist, our messaging software. This groups meets 2-3 times a year. Volunteers help create and post as needed for our parish. Volunteers only need a simple knowledge of social media, marketing, and websites. Training can be provided. Contact: Deanna Stall, 308-234-5536 or [email protected].

Grief Ministry Committee

Volunteers provide prayer and support for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Contact: Mary Bowman, 308-234-5536, [email protected]

Social Events Committee

Volunteers work to provide hospitality for parish events. Contact: Liz West, 308-234-5536, [email protected]

Oktoberfest Coordinating Committee

Volunteers plan and coordinate all activities for our annual parish community event. Contact: Carson Watt

Baptismal Garments

Volunteers create and sew the baptismal garments for infants and adults. Contact: Deb Eickhoff

Laundering of Church Linens

This ministry cares for the altar linens, and cloths. Participation in this ministry requires a training session. Contact: Church Office

Funeral Meals

In this ministry, volunteers are called to donate food for a funeral or, if available, called to serve a funeral dinner. Contact: Lori Marshall 308-234-5536 or [email protected]

Serve Funeral Vigil Receptions

Volunteers are available to serve refreshments following a funeral vigil service. Contact: St. James office, Kim, 308-234-5536

Health/Wellness Ministry

This ministry focuses on encouraging wellness and health of individuals in our parish. Contact: Judy Drown 308-234-5536


Individuals who like to take photos are encouraged to sign up as event photographers for the different activities going on in our parish. Contact: Church Office, 308-234-5536, [email protected]

Building & Grounds

This group of volunteers works on keeping our parish campus beautiful and safe for our parishioners. Members meet to offer directives as well as talents to maintain and improve the physical condition, safety and operation of the parish facilities and infrastructure. This includes cleanup of the grounds along with trimming of the landscaping. Members help to keep the landscape healthy. Some physical labor is needed. Experience in plant care is helpful but not necessary. Contact: Kathy Glatter 308-234-5536

Jubilee Center and Habitat for Humanity

St. James Parish supports numerous helping agencies in Kearney and has committed to those who are poor and underserved. Thirty years ago, St. James made three promises to Habitat for Humanity: 1. To pray for Habitat, 2. To provide financial assistance, 3. To send laborers. Later in time, a similar commitment was also made to the Jubilee Center. Contact: Sr. Catherine, 308-234-5536, [email protected]

Office Volunteer

Volunteers will be called upon to assist the parish secretary and staff with regular and special projects throughout the year, such as preparing mailings, stuffing bulletins with inserts, answering the phones, etc. Contact: Church Office, 308-234-5536, [email protected]

Marriage Prep Team

Marriage preparation is the responsibility of the community. Married couples are trained on how to lead engaged couples using the materials from Evermore In Love. Participation in this ministry requires special training provided by the parish. Contact: Mary Bowman, 308-234-5536, [email protected]

Social Justice Committee

This group helps the parish with awareness of our Catholic Social Teaching by discussing social needs and concerns. Contact: Sr. Catherine, 308-234-5536, [email protected]

St. James Stained Glass Window

St. James Catholic Church

3801 Avenue A, Kearney, NE 68847
[email protected]

Parish Office Hours

Winter Hours:
Mon-Thurs – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fri – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Summer Hours:
Mon-Thurs – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Fri – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Kearney Catholic High School

110 East 35th Street, Kearney, NE 68847

KCHS Foundation

20 East 21st Street, Kearney, NE 68847