All Are Welcome

After more than 150 years in Kearney, the parish of St. James has a rich history as a community of Catholic worship and an established legacy of service to the people of Kearney and the surrounding areas.

We invite our Catholic brothers and sisters, as well as visitors from other denominations, to pray and celebrate the Sacraments with us. You will be welcomed and embraced as we join together as one in the presence of God.

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday – 5:00 pm

Sunday – 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Misa en Español – 12:30 pm

(cada segundo del mes)
(every 2nd Sunday)

Mass in Vietnamese - 3:00 pm

(every 1st Sunday)

Weekday Mass Times

Monday – No Mass

Tuesday – 12:00 pm

Wednesday – 12:00 pm

Thursday – 8:15 am with KCHS

Friday – 8:00 am

St. James Rosary Times

 Rosary and Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours)
Tuesdays at 5:45 pm in the church

Thursdays at 7:30 am in the Church


Saturday – 3:30-4:30 pm

(or by appointment)


First Fridays – 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

* This is the regular Mass schedule - be sure to check the Weekly Bulletin or our Mass Times page for any changes!

Our Mission

St. James parish was established in 1881 to be a sign of the presence of the Kingdom of God, to spread the Good News of the Gospel, and to minister and serve others. As Catholics, we believe in Jesus' dying and rising and in our call to celebrate the Sacraments and proclaim the Gospel.

St. James is Live Streaming Masses according to the following schedule:

Saturday - 5:00 pm - Weekend Mass
Monday - No Mass
Tuesday -12:00 Noon - Weekday Mass
Wednesday -12:00 Noon - Weekday Mass
Thursday - 8:15 am - KCHS Weekday Mass
Friday - No Live Streaming

These can be viewed either live or replay directly from the St. James Kearney YouTube Channel or by using the “Mass Videos” button on the St. James myParish App.

Fishing with St. James

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Catechetical Sunday 2024:
"Lord, when did we see you hungry" Matthew 25:37
Our theme reflects our call to missionary discipleship. As St John Paul II reminded us: The universal call to holiness is closely linked to the universal call to mission. Every member of the faithful is called to holiness and to mission. We are called to be eucharist by word and action to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our times cry out for this kind of holiness, one inflamed by the ardent determination to bring as many of our brothers and sisters as possible to Christ.
Our annual celebration of Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel.
I am extremely grateful for all those who have responded to the call to serve in our Faith Formation Programs. This year in our Wednesday night Faith Formation Program we have 278 preschool through fifth grade students, 94 sixth through eleventh grade youth and 34 senior confirmation candidates. These young people are served by 60 catechists and aids whose names are in today’s bulletin insert. Please pray for the catechists, our young people and their parents and guardians. There are 9 adults learning about our church in the Christian Initiation process. Recently the Bishops have changed the title form Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults to Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. In August, Kearney Catholic High School welcomed 348 sixth through twelfth grade students.
I appreciate the commitment of parents for being involved in the parish and attending weekend liturgy. I offer praise and thanks to God for the service of our catechists to this important ministry of passing on our faith!
I AM Joseph your brother!
Fr. Joe Hannappel

P.S. We always need more Oktoberfest volunteers and we appreciate everyone who is willing to share their time and talent.. Please fill out the volunteer form you received (more are in the Gathering Space) or follow the link to SignUpGenius.
PRAYER FOR CATECHISTS: Lord God, source of all wisdom and knowledge, you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us and to proclaim his message of faith, hope, and love to all nations. In your goodness bless our brothers and sisters who have offered themselves as catechists for your Church. Strengthen them with your gifts, that they may teach by word and by example the truth that comes from you. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Pescando con St. James
Domingo Catequético del 2024

"Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento? " Mateo 25:37
Nuestro tema refleja nuestro llamado al discipulado
misionero. Como nos recordó san Juan Pablo II: La llamada
universal a la santidad está estrechamente vinculada a la llamada
universal a la misión. Todo fiel está llamado a la santidad y a la
misión. Estamos llamados a ser eucaristía por palabra y acción
para nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Nuestros tiempos
claman por este tipo de santidad, inflamada por la ardiente
determinación de llevar a Cristo al mayor número posible de
nuestros hermanos y hermanas.
Nuestra celebración anual del Domingo Catequético es una
maravillosa oportunidad para reflexionar sobre el papel que cada
persona juega, en virtud del Bautismo, al transmitir la fe y ser
testigo del Evangelio.
Estoy extremadamente agradecido por todos aquellos que
han respondido al llamado de servir en nuestros Programas de
Formación de Fe. Este año en nuestro Programa de Formación
de Fe de los miércoles por la noche tenemos 278 estudiantes de
preescolar a quinto grado, 94 jóvenes de sexto a undécimo grado
y 34 candidatos de grado doce para la confirmación. Estos
jóvenes son atendidos por 60 catequistas y ayudantes cuyos
nombres aparecen en el boletín de hoy. Por favor oren por los
catequistas, nuestros jóvenes y sus padres y tutores. Hay 9
adultos aprendiendo sobre nuestra iglesia en el proceso de
Iniciación Cristiana. Recientemente, los Obispos han cambiado
el título de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos a Orden de
Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos. En agosto, la escuela
secundaria católica Kearney dio la bienvenida a 348 estudiantes
de sexto a duodécimo grado.
Aprecio el compromiso de los padres por participar en la
parroquia y asistir a la liturgia de fin de semana. ¡Ofrezco
alabanzas y gracias a Dios por el servicio de nuestros catequistas
en este importante ministerio de transmitir nuestra fe!
¡Yo Soy Jose, Tu Hermano!
Pd. Jose

PD Siempre necesitamos más voluntarios para el
Oktoberfest y apreciamos a todos los que están dispuestos a
compartir su tiempo y talento. Complete el formulario de
voluntariado que recibió (hay más en el espacio de reunión) o
siga el enlace a SignUpGenius.
Señor Dios, fuente
de toda sabiduría y conocimiento, enviaste a tu Hijo, Jesucristo,
para vivir entre nosotros y proclamar su mensaje de fe,
esperanza y amor a todas las naciones. Bendice en tu bondad a
nuestros hermanos y hermanas que se han ofrecido como
catequistas para tu Iglesia. Fortalécelos con tus dones, para que
enseñen con la palabra y con el ejemplo la verdad que viene de
ti. Te lo pedimos por Cristo nuestro Señor.

Latest Bulletins

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Full Calendar

St. James Stained Glass Window

St. James Catholic Church

3801 Avenue A, Kearney, NE 68847

Parish Office Hours

Mon-Thurs – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fri – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Kearney Catholic High School

110 East 35th Street, Kearney, NE 68847

KCHS Foundation

20 East 21st Street, Kearney, NE 68847