All Are Welcome

After more than 150 years in Kearney, the parish of St. James has a rich history as a community of Catholic worship and an established legacy of service to the people of Kearney and the surrounding areas.

We invite our Catholic brothers and sisters, as well as visitors from other denominations, to pray and celebrate the Sacraments with us. You will be welcomed and embraced as we join together as one in the presence of God.

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday – 5:00 pm

Sunday – 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Misa en Español – 12:30 pm

(cada segundo del mes)
(every 2nd Sunday)

Mass in Vietnamese - 3:00 pm

(every 1st Sunday)

Weekday Mass Times

Monday – No Mass

Tuesday – 12:00 pm

Wednesday – 12:00 pm

Thursday – 8:15 am with KCHS

Friday – 8:00 am

St. James Rosary Times

 Rosary and Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours)
Tuesdays at 5:45 pm in the church

Thursdays at 7:30 am in the Church


Saturday – 3:30-4:30 pm

(or by appointment)


First Fridays – 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

* This is the regular Mass schedule - be sure to check the Weekly Bulletin or our Mass Times page for any changes!

Our Mission

St. James parish was established in 1881 to be a sign of the presence of the Kingdom of God, to spread the Good News of the Gospel, and to minister and serve others. As Catholics, we believe in Jesus' dying and rising and in our call to celebrate the Sacraments and proclaim the Gospel.

St. James is Live Streaming Masses according to the following schedule:

Saturday - 5:00 pm - Weekend Mass
Monday - No Mass
Tuesday -12:00 Noon - Weekday Mass
Wednesday -12:00 Noon - Weekday Mass
Thursday - 8:15 am - KCHS Weekday Mass
Friday - No Live Streaming

These can be viewed either live or replay directly from the St. James Kearney YouTube Channel or by using the “Mass Videos” button on the St. James myParish App.

Fishing with St. James

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Consecrated Fish  

     In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life.  This year the celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life is celebrated on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in order to highlight the gift of consecrated persons for the whole Church. The Feast of the Presentation is also known as Candlemas Day recognizing that candles symbolize Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those who belong to religious communities are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.

     Please take time to appreciate the two religious sisters in Kearney: Sr. Catherine Bones, S.C.L. (Pastoral Associate at St. James), Sr. Mary Florence Blavet, O. Carm. (Mt. Carmel Home). May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation. Please thank them verbally or in writing for their ministry and commitment.

     I invite you to remember in prayer all the religious sisters, brothers and priests who served the parishes, hospitals and schools in our area and those who made a positive impact in your life. I am always grateful for the Carmelite sisters of Kearney who taught the catechism classes in Cozad when I was in grade school. The Kearney area was also blessed for many years by the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine Kentucky who taught and ministered in our schools and parishes and the Franciscan Sisters of Colorado Springs who directed Good Samaritan Hospital for many years.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit for consecrated persons:

Holy Spirit, perennial Source of life, we pray to you for all consecrated persons. Fill their hearts with the deep certainty of having been chosen to love, to praise and to serve. Enable them to savour your friendship, fill them with your joy and consolation, help them to overcome moments of difficulty and to rise up again with trust after they have fallen; make them mirrors of the divine beauty. Give them the courage to face the challenges of our time and the grace to bring to all mankind the goodness and loving kindness of our Saviour Jesus Christ “.  (cf. Titus 3:4) (prayer to the Holy Trinity from the end of the Exhortation “Vita Consacrata” #111)

 Peace in Christ from your “Local Pastor”

Fr. Joseph Hannappel






Peces Consagrados

     En 1997 Papa Juan Pablo II instituyó un día de oración para las mujeres y hombres en la vida consagrada. Este año la celebración del día Mundial de la Vida Consagrada se celebra en la Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor con el fin de resaltar el don de las personas consagradas para toda la Iglesia. La Fiesta de la Presentación también se conoce como Día de la Candelaria reconociendo que las velas simbolizan a Cristo quien es la luz del mundo. Así pues, que los/as que pertenecen a las comunidades religiosas son llamados a reflectar la luz de Jesucristo a todas las personas.    

     Por favor tomen un momento para apreciar a las hermanas religiosas en nuestra área Hna. Catherine Bones S.C.L. (Asociada Pastoral en San Santiago), Hna. Mary Florence Blavet, O. Carm. (Monte Carmelo). Que continúen a ser inspiradas por Jesucristo y respondan generosamente a los regalos de Dios a su vocación. Por favor denle las gracias verbalmente o en escrito por sus ministerios y su compromiso. Le daré una medalla a la primera persona que identifique correctamente las comunidades religiosas representadas por las letras siguiendo el nombre de cada hermana. 

     Los invito a que recuerden orar por todas las hermanas religiosas, hermanos y padres quien sirven en las parroquias, hospitales y escuelas en nuestra área y los que han hecho un impacto positivo en sus vidas. Estoy muy agradecido por las hermanas Carmelitas de Kearney quienes enseñaron las clases de catecismo en Cozad cuando yo estaba en primaria. El área de Kearney fue bendecida por muchos años por las Hermanas Dominicanas de San Caterina Kentucky quienes enseñaron y ministraron en nuestras escuelas y parroquias y las Hermanas Francisanas de Colorado Springs que dirigieron el Hospital Buen Samaritano por muchos años.


Oración a la Espíritu Santo por personas consagradas:

     Espíritu Santo, Amor derramado en los corazones, que concedes gracia e inspiración a las mentes, Fuente perenne de vida, que llevas la misión de Cristo a su cumplimiento con numerosos carismas, te rogamos por todas las personas consagradas. Colma su corazón con la íntima certeza de haber sido escogidas para amar, alabar y servir. Haz que gusten de tu amistad, llénalas de tu alegría y de tu consuelo, ayúdalas a superar los momentos de dificultad y a levantarse con confianza tras las caídas, haz que sean espejo de la belleza divina. Dales el arrojo para hacer frente a los retos de nuestro tiempo y la gracia de llevar a los hombres la benevolencia y la humanidad de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo.  (cf. Tt 3, 4). (Oración a la Trinidad Exhortación de la Apostólica “Vita Consecrata” #111)

Paz en Cristo de parte de su “Pastor en localidad”

Pd. José Hannappel

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St. James Stained Glass Window

St. James Catholic Church

3801 Avenue A, Kearney, NE 68847
[email protected]

Parish Office Hours

Mon-Thurs – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fri – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Kearney Catholic High School

110 East 35th Street, Kearney, NE 68847

KCHS Foundation

20 East 21st Street, Kearney, NE 68847